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There is hardly a home or business that does not hve some kind of a network in place or wants one or has one that needs some tuning, repair or other service. But the problem is that in this day an age there are too many network "experts" and "gurus" that have mystified the whole process and for any network service at all, you have to hire an expert and have to pay for an evaluation, estimation, diagnostics and a whole lot of other formalites before you can get anything done at all!

At CITS we make everything very simple and straight forward for you. Simply call me directly and I will fly out there and do whatever you need done at your site. All you will be paying is the cost of travel, the air fare, hotel and my per diem and then a simple labor rate of $193.20 per hour, that's it. And of course the cost of materials. Who does that nowadays? Please ask aound and find out. Obviusly I am not looking to get rich here at this point. Just to keep busy and do YOU some good! That's all. Please don't fall for that high sounding network lingo and trust my experience. I solve problems just standing there!!

Remember, the good Microsoft and other great vendors may have invented and put the network systems in place in the first place and the network gururs are great people but they will make you go thrugh a very formal and stiff process. Whereas I will get it working informally and completely before they will figure out what to do even! And I will figure out and setup the network design without even using a piece of paper and pen! Well, may be a pen and a notebook. But I will give you a write up after all is setup. Don't worry there will be some documentation!

My number is (651)442-9044 and is almost alway ON. I am looking for a PROBLEM to fix!

And I forgot to say, I work on networks Small or Lage, at home or abroad. Nothing is too small or too big. I have not said "NO" in my life yet!

Thank you.

Riaz Hussain


Corporate Info Tech Services
XBS Systems  >  CXBS5004

CXBS5004           XBS System Engineering  V ( Database Generation using MPPT Software)


Class Type            Engineering


System                   XBS Central


Duration                4.5 days


Class Audience    Electricians, electronic systems specialists, and maintenance persons responsible for

                                electrical/electronic installation work at customer sites, Honeywell Authorized

System Distributor Installation personnel, and Honeywell systems technicians for XBS or other systems and Programmers/analysts familiar with PC Hardware and Application programs, and Windows.


Offered At             Customer site or St Paul


# of Students        Minimum 5,  Maximum 8 


Cost                        $1990 per person at site, $1290 per person St Paul


Pre-requisites      CXBX1004


Brief                      The course provides an overview of the entire XBS System and its extensions and enhancements.  The basic portion of the course is a complete discussion of the usage of the Micro/Macrocel Portable Programming Terminal, the MPPT.   This includes Controller Database and System Programming.


The course identifies the first step as the definition of the programming environment for each controller.  This step involves a decision as to whether a Honeywell generated database or a custom database or none (created from scratch) will be used for the relevant controller.  This step also decides as to what Honeywell provided configuration and precoded files will be used.  Next, it is learned how the point file for the controller is created.  This is followed naturally by the creation of a program file for the controller using the provided editor program. The intimate connection between the point file and the program file is pointed out.  The next step shows how to compile the program into an error-free executable code.  This leads to the creation of an object file for the point and program file set and is ready for download into the MCEL EEPROM.  A very important part of the course is to deal with the somewhat mythical function of the MPOT database.  The course shows how point descriptor files are prepared and loaded into the MPOT and then later used, using the Program Select function of the MPOT under the Main menu function of Configure MCEL.  

The course also shows the on-line test and checkout of the created databases. The course even dwells on the aesthetics of the engineering sequence provided by the Honeywell Engineers.


Objectives             Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

·         Identify XBS Central System Hardware including the Peer Bus and the C-NAP bus

·         Identify software/firmware in all components of the XBS Central System

·         Perform all Database Modifications functions using the Interactive Database

·         Modification Utility of the MPPT Program

·         Perform all system programming functions using the MPPT Program

·         Interpret and rectify all error messages with dispatch

·         Perform the Database Compilation function using the MPPT Program

·         Generate required reports for analysis

·         Download Generated Databases to the required downline processors

·         Test and Checkout on-line the generated Databases after download


·         XBS Central System Block Diagram

·         Overview of Excel Plus System Software/Firmware

·         Nature and significance of MCEL Databases

·         Controller Database Record Access/Display/Modify Procedures

·         Database Generation/Compilation

·         Database Generation Error Messages

·         Downloading Processor databases

·         Database Test and Checkout

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