
for All Honeywell Systems

Training Systems for all HVAC Systems and a whole lot more!

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There is hardly a home or business that does not hve some kind of a network in place or wants one or has one that needs some tuning, repair or other service. But the problem is that in this day an age there are too many network "experts" and "gurus" that have mystified the whole process and for any network service at all, you have to hire an expert and have to pay for an evaluation, estimation, diagnostics and a whole lot of other formalites before you can get anything done at all!

At CITS we make everything very simple and straight forward for you. Simply call me directly and I will fly out there and do whatever you need done at your site. All you will be paying is the cost of travel, the air fare, hotel and my per diem and then a simple labor rate of $193.20 per hour, that's it. And of course the cost of materials. Who does that nowadays? Please ask aound and find out. Obviusly I am not looking to get rich here at this point. Just to keep busy and do YOU some good! That's all. Please don't fall for that high sounding network lingo and trust my experience. I solve problems just standing there!!

Remember, the good Microsoft and other great vendors may have invented and put the network systems in place in the first place and the network gururs are great people but they will make you go thrugh a very formal and stiff process. Whereas I will get it working informally and completely before they will figure out what to do even! And I will figure out and setup the network design without even using a piece of paper and pen! Well, may be a pen and a notebook. But I will give you a write up after all is setup. Don't worry there will be some documentation!

My number is (651)442-9044 and is almost alway ON. I am looking for a PROBLEM to fix!

And I forgot to say, I work on networks Small or Lage, at home or abroad. Nothing is too small or too big. I have not said "NO" in my life yet!

Thank you.

Riaz Hussain


Corporate Info Tech Services



CLASS TYPE            System Administration


SYSTEM                  Enterprise Building Integrator Systems


DURATION                4.5 Days


CLASS AUDIENCE    EBI Systems Managers, Operators, Engineers, Programmers and HVAC System Administrator/managers 


OFFERED AT             Customer site or St Paul


# OF STUDENTS        Minimum 4, Maximum 8 


COST                        $2426 per person at site, $2101 per person St Paul


BRIEF                      The class is about administrating a fully operational EBI System. The class starts with a full discussion of the EBI Block diagram for the specific customer system. Every element of the system is discussed to its functional detail as far as system administration is concerned.

                        The class then presents all operator functions that require administration and a corresponding CITS Proprietary Operator Function Control sheet for the specific operator functions. These functions do not require any aspect of EBI Configuration.

Next the class presents configuration functions (not how to do them) that require administration and control and corresponding CITS Proprietary Configuration control function sheet and explains how to use it.

The class then presents the EBI Engineering function control sheets for each engineering function. These sheets are also CITS proprietary.

Finally the class presents the final sheets fir the changes to the down line controller databases. These sheets are quite technical and a programming/engineering background for the relevant controllers is almost necessary. But the class will discuss the structure of the relevant controller databases if necessary.

The class also discusses the creation and maintenance of a complete log book for day to day control entries of the EBI system. This ensures that each and every system function is traceable.

The class uses written exercises to prepare all control sheets for customer systems.                                                                                                                                          

The class also discusses a complete set of reports that a user can create/use/request to determine the performance of his/her system and also to interrogate any aspect of the system.                                                                                                                                              

The class will finish with each student ending up with a complete system Administration manual. This manual can easily be further amended to accommodate particular customer needs.       

OBJECTIVES             Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

  • Identify functionally critical components of the EBI System
  • Understand the purpose and control of each EBI operator function
  • Understand the purpose and control of each EBI Configuration function
  • Understand the purpose and control of each EBI Engineering function
  • Understand the purpose and control of each EBI Controller Engineering/Programming function for the relevant EBI controller databases
  • Understand and complete all  control sheets for each of the above control and management functions
  • Configure all necessary reports for system database interrogation at any time
  • Setup a report setup system to report on any aspect of the system without unnecessary delay and preparation time
  • Identify and recommend specific repair procedure for the system in short order


  • EBI System Block Diagram 
  • Purpose and control of the EBI system 
  • Operator function control
  • EBI Configuration control 
  • EBI Engineering function control 
  • System report system control and management
  • System Documentation Control

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